about me

Hi! I'm Jujizka, a brazillian self-taught digital artist that still is trying to find her on artstyle.--I started drawing at 8, because of anime influence, I always told myself that someday my drawings would be as good as those animes, and here I am! Maybe my art still not as good as them, but I'm really happy to be where I am now. I started drawing digitally in 2018/2019 if I remember well, and I'm still looking to improve myself more.--I am also a self-taught english speaker, still not fluent, but I do pretty good at it. I can understand spanish... kinda, because is a language really similar to portuguese but.. also so different.. is weird, like, I can understand what I hear and read, but can't write or talk in spanish. Oh well, but I wish someday I will be good at it too lol.BUT ANYWAY!--I LOVE any kind of animated media. Movies, series, random animatics, etc. It is just so magic! I am definetelly looking foward on learning how to animate in the future. And sorry, but for me, "How to Train Your Dragon" will always be the best trilogy ever made (John Powell Supremacy <3).--The artist I take inspiration from are:
• ABD Illustrates
• SAD_ist
(There is probably more but those are the main ones :v)

terms of service

For security reasons:
○ If you totally agree with my terms and decides you'll pay for my work, dm me normally and at the end of your message write the secret code hidden in this text. That way, I'll know you readed and trully agrees on going on with the commission.

■ Won't do ■

  • Mechas

  • Heavy armor (metal uugh)

  • NSFW (It depends, ask me)

  • Furry (They´re more harder to draw than I thought O.O)

  • Old people (wrinkles are the worst lmao)

  • Babies (why so hard??)

  • Wild Gore (ask me, it depends a lot)

  • Complex poses and perspectives (unless, if you have an exact image of how I should draw it)

  • Fetish (yeah nop)

  • Anything I may consider weird (in a wrong way)

  • Ask me!

■ Will do ■

  • Humans with animal features (ears, wings, tails, etc)

  • Couples

  • Children

  • Real life people (with their consent)

  • LGBTQ+

  • Fanart

  • OC

  • Customs (but pleease have an idea and references for what you want and be assertive with the choices)

  • Blood

  • Artistic nudity

  • MLP

  • Ask me!

■ Refund Policy ■
○ At the clean scketch fase, you'll recieve 50% back.
○ After we step into the lineart you cannot recieve a refund.
○ If I have to interupt the commission for any reason, you'll recieve 100% back.

■ Copyright ■
○ Prices are for personal use only; no commercial use allowed. You may not profit from the art, sell prints or products, etc. You can make prints for personal use. [••1•]
○ You may resize or crop the artwork to create icons, wallpapers, or other graphics to be used in non-commercial digital format, but you cannot alter the artwork itself.○ By commissioning me, you’re purchasing my artist labor and a digital copy of your commissioned artwork. I retain all the rights to my work, which include but are not limited to the right to distribute, reproduce, copy and/or use the image as a sample for sales or self-promotion, unless you ask for me for the commission to stay in private.○ You are welcome to upload your commission to social media, as long as you give me credit for the work.○ I reserve the right to reuse sketches and design elements that were rejected by the commissioner for other commissions or personal works. [0•••]

■ Commissioning Process: ■
○ First, you will be describing me with much detail and visual reference as possible what you want me to draw (reference of poses/outfit/hair/acessories/weapons/background/face/patterns are really welcomed and you shall send them all to me as it will make my job much easier and faster)
○ After you set down what you want the piece to look like, I´ll make a rough scketch and send the image (filled with my watermark) for your approval, in this stage, if you want any minor changes at this stage, they won't cost any extra fees. And after we agree to keep going, I´ll will send you an invoice of the FULL cost of the piece + paypal fee. I´ll start working on the piece again as soon I receive the payment. [•••2]
○ If you prefer 50/50 payment, you´ll be paying two paypal fees, one for the first half, and one for the second half.
○ I will update you with the clean scketch/lineart (a image filled with my watermark). Minor changes won't cost. More significant changes will cost an extra fee, the price will depend on how significant they are.○ Next, I will uptade you with the base color (a image filled with my watermark ONLY if you chose to pay 50/50). Changes will cost an extra fee (Color changes are free). [•8••]○ And for last, I will send you the finished image. If you want any changes at this point. It will cost way more than before. If you're satisfied with the result, the extra fees of the changes you made (IF you made) will be payed. After I recieve the payment (Of the extra fees, or the other half of the payment), I will send you the complete commission through email, with good quality and no watermarks (just my signature with low opacity).

contact me




If you're looking forward to make a commission, don't forget de code in the TOS page!